Auchenharvie Academy will not open to pupils at the start of the new term after traces of legionella bacteria were found in the school's water supply.

North Ayrshire Council confirmed on Thursday morning that pupils who were due to return to the school on August 21 will be taught in alternative buildings - or will have to work from home.

Auchenharvie Academy head teacher Calum Johnston said: “The safety and wellbeing of our young people and staff must come first."

Until further notice, S1 pupils will attend classes at St Matthew’s Academy, S2 pupils will attend Ardrossan Civic Centre, and those in S3 will attend Saltcoats Town Hall.

S4-6 pupils will take part in virtual learning from home. 

Legionella bacteria can lead to a serious lung infection called Legionnaire's disease.

A council spokesman said: "During the council’s rigorous water-quality monitoring regime, traces of legionella bacteria were found in the school’s water supply.

"A full clean, flush and disinfect of the full water system within the building was undertaken immediately and follow-up assurance samples taken.

"However, the contractor responsible for testing water samples has been unable to provide the subsequent results ahead of the new term commencing.

"While North Ayrshire Council is confident that the measures already taken have dealt with the issue, the safety of pupils and staff is paramount.

"Therefore, the decision has been taken to use alternative accommodation for learning until the test results confirm legionella is no longer present."

Mr Johnston added: “We will be in touch with all parents to advise them of the temporary arrangements and thank them for their patience and understanding.

“I would also like to thank all the different teams across the council who have rallied round at such short notice to ensure our young people do not miss out.”

The council confirmed any pupils who require any resources to work at home, or a Chromebook in order to take part in the virtual lessons, will be able to collect them from the school tomorrow (Friday, August 18) from 8am until 4pm.

School meals will be provided – free of charge – to all pupils who are attending at St Matthew’s, Ardrossan Civic Centre or Saltcoats Town Hall.

Parents will also be advised by the school about any temporary transport arrangements which may be put in place to ensure their child can safely attend at the alternative location.

Councillor Shaun Macaulay, NAC's cabinet member for education and young people, said: “This is a development which could not have been foreseen and was totally outwith our control.

“Unfortunately, there has been a delay in the council obtaining the results ahead of the new term commencing.

“With the safety of our pupils and staff our priority, and purely as a precaution, the decision has been taken to provide alternative arrangements in the short term.

“However, it does show our rigorous water-quality regime works as intended and ensures the continued safety of our young people and staff. While the chances of contracting legionella are incredibly small, it isn’t a risk we are prepared to take.

“We hope parents and pupils understand the reasoning behind this decision – it wasn’t an easy call to make but it is the correct one.”

It is currently anticipated that the test results will be available next week. A decision on when classes will resume at Auchenharvie will be made as soon as possible and parents will be kept fully informed.

Parents and guardians received a letter today confirming the new arrangements.

But one parent was unhappy about making S1-3 pupils relocate to other centres.

She told the Herald: "Parents are up in arms about new Ss1s being relocated to a different new school for a few days.

"Keep them off or send them to a community centre. Keep them safe and give them the duty of care they deserve."

The news comes a day after NAC announced that another education facility in the area won't open as planned at the start of the new term on Monday.

The brand new £3.7 million Marress House early years centre in Irvine won't be ready to welcome young people on August 21, with no revised opening date for the facility yet announced.

Check our website and Facebook pages for the latest updates on the Auchenharvie situation.