CLYDE Coast folk have been playing ‘Where’s Roman’ this week as the Russian oligarch and Chelsea FC owner cruises the area in his fabulous super-yacht Eclipse.

The 48-year-old multi-billionaire dropped anchor near Lochranza at the weekend to walk the dog and decided to restock the yacht’s bar with a visit to Isle of Arran Distillery.

Tour guide Stewart Dunsmuir, 38, said: “We got a phone call from one of his people, who said they wanted to make a booking for a VIP, but they wouldn’t say who.

"We knew Mr Abramovich was in the area so it wasn’t a big surprise.

"The boss picked him up at Lochranza in the works van.

“He was quite quiet, but he obviously knows his whiskies as he went away with about half a dozen bottles including our 18-year-old and the premium Bourbon casked edition.”