Campaigners who want North Ayrshire's only ice rink reopened in line with government guidelines are planning a protest as KA Leisure announces plans are being 'reviewed'.

Parents and children from the ice community will hold a demonstration on Monday, calling on the rink's operators to reconsider keeping them off the ice until next year.

A KA Leisure board meeting was held yesterday afternoon, Thursday, August 27, at 1pm.

Concerned ice rink community members were assured that the reopening of facilities was on the agenda.

Today, North Ayrshire Council and KA Leisure have announced plans for the phased re-opening of facilities but say they 'continue to explore how we can safely restart [activity]...on the ice rink at Auchenharvie'.

Responding to a question on social media, KA Leisure said: "We're currently reviewing the reopening of the ice rink with North Ayrshire Council. We will provide updates when available."

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald:

As rinks across Scotland prepare to reopen, Three Towns skaters, curlers and ice hockey players have been left out in the cold.

The Galleon Ice Rink in Kilmarnock plans to reopen on September 10, and it has been reported that the ice there has been kept in good condition while Auchenharvie's has been melted.

Auchenharvie rink remains closed with no plans to reinstate the ice announced but campaigners, along with the A&S Herald, are prepared to ‘crank up’ the mission to ‘Save Our Ice’. Find details of the protest here.

On Wednesday last week, Nicola Sturgeon announced that indoor ice rinks could reopen from Monday, August 31, for non-contact activities.

David Turner, who has two boys who play ice hockey at Auchenharvie, said: “Now we have a date let’s crank up the pressure.

“Our kids have been off the ice long enough. I don’t see how making the ice pad into a gym would increase revenue for the centre. All memberships are already on a monthly payment whereas hiring out the ice rink to clubs would be fresh revenue going back into the centre.

“With SIHA (Scottish Ice Hockey Association) planning to re-start around November time our kids need to be back on the ice practicing and ready to start the league when it’s safe to do so.

“Also there could be some kids who use ice sports as therapy or to keep them off the streets as well as for fitness.”

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald:

SIHA released its guidance for the ‘road back to ice hockey’ on August 31, which states: “In association with ice facility partners, training can take place for small groups initially. All players will observe required social distancing and all participants will change at home.”

Disabled mum Kayleigh McCubbin’s daughter told the Herald that skating at the rink has improved her daughter’s life.

She said: “My daughter has not long started ice skating and it’s really built her confidence that she’s struggled with for years

“I’m disabled so would find it extremely difficult if I had to travel every week as I couldn’t pull my daughter away from ice skating.”

It’s not just local people who bring revenue to KA Leisure by using the rink - the facilities are so good they attract others from beyond North Ayrshire.

Fiona Rumsby brings her daughters down from Glasgow every Sunday to learn to skate on the ice.

She said: “I chose to drive all the way down to this rink for their lessons because I feel the layout of the rink is more relaxed and has a more enjoyable friendly  atmosphere, it feels like a proper ice skating rink.”

Previously, KA Leisure cited financial difficulties that meant reopening the ice rink before 2021 would be too costly. A statement said the projected financial loss to KA Leisure due to coronavirus will be approximately £2.8million.

Instead, the charity plans to place gym equipment in the space to make use of it while it is not being used for ice sports.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald: Gary Higgon of sponsors KA Leisure, with Nicola Murray and Michael Murray of North Ayrshire Arthletics Club and Provost Ian Clarkson at the 2018 Provosts Sports awards.Gary Higgon of sponsors KA Leisure, with Nicola Murray and Michael Murray of North Ayrshire Arthletics Club and Provost Ian Clarkson at the 2018 Provosts Sports awards.

Gary Higgon, Chairman of KA Leisure, said: “The lockdown period has been an anxious time for all involved in the leisure industry throughout the whole of the country.

“During this period, KA Leisure staff have been actively involved in all aspects of ensuring the safety of our customers and staff when reopening of facilities commences. With the recent guidance offered by the Scottish Government, our Board-approved plans are now able to be implemented across sites throughout North Ayrshire in a phased manner.

“Whilst it is recognised that certain operational constraints will be necessary to ensure customer safety, the public may be assured that our aim is to ensure the provision of the high quality service that we have in the past, especially at this time when remaining active is so important to everyone.”

Council Leader Joe Cullinane said: “We know just how important these facilities are to our local communities and that’s why we are doing everything in our power not just to re-open services, but to re-open them safely.”