Nursery registration for August has opened in North Ayrshire - and parents with children preparing to start are urged to begin enrolment.

All children aged three and four and two-year-olds who meet criteria such as coming from a household who receives income support are eligible for 1140 hours of early years education per year.

Registration for August placements is open and will close on February 28 with Norh Ayrshire Council warning that parents who miss the deadline may not be able to secure a place at their preferred nursery.

Councillor Shaun Macaulay, Cabinet Member for Education and Young People, said: “Our young children are entitled to the best possible start in life and that’s what our early years centres aim to provide.

“We have a first-class range of early years establishments right across North Ayrshire.

“Last year, 92 per cent per cent of parents who registered their child in February secured their first choice, and so we would encourage parents to register their child or children as early as possible within the February registration period.”

Parents who are arranging a blended placement for their child should also fill out the form.

To find the application form and for more info in eligibility visit the council’s website ( or email if you can't access the form.

For more information on what kinds of childcare are available, visit