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The Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald publishes a Morning Briefing newsletter with the latest breaking stories from across the local area.

We also have a Daily Catch-up which is sent to our readers at 5pm every afternoon featuring the top stories of the day, including our exclusive tales, court news, features, and investigations.

Gillian Murphy, Managing Editor of the Herald, said: “Our newsletters are designed to help keep you informed about what is going on in your local area.

“You can keep up-to-date with what's happening while on your commute or catch-up with the events of the day in the afternoon by simply signing up for the newsletters that suit you.

“Now has never been a better time to sign up because we are offering our readers a chance to win £500.”

You can only win £500 by signing up for our newsletters and filling in the link you will see when you get your first newsletter.


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