Corsehill Primary School is back in full swing after the Easter break - with lots of news to reveal.

The editorial team formed by some of the senior pupils have sent this latest update on activities at the Kilwinning school...

Starting off with our Early Years Class, their children are going to be big P1s in August, so they have been spending time to get to know their P6 buddies in the 3/5 room. They have been painting Van Gogh’s sunflower with cotton buds.

Some children from the two-year-old room have been cooking sausages on a fire pit for snack and they have also been making play doh. 

In P1 and P1/2 they have been extra busy practising their numbers, and in the play zone they were learning new information about Earth Day. And they have also been doing biggest to smallest with caterpillars with their new student teacher, Mr. Stewart.  

Next, we go to Primary 2/3 where they have been recycling for Earth Day, which is great. They have also been working hard picking their term three targets. Primary 2/3 have also been learning hockey skills in PE, which sounds like fun. In maths the pupils were working extremely hard learning about 3D shapes.  

In Primary 3 they have been using their amazing persuasive writing skills and writing about what castle is better, Eglinton Castle or Dundonald. Also they have been learning how to play Sudoku. Another thing they have been learning about is patterns in shapes in their new room (located in the Zen Den). Most importantly, they have had lots of fun while doing so. 

P4 have been looking at Britain through the ages, and life just now compared to the 1960s, and have also been working hard creating their own 1960s outfits. They have also been researching and making fact files for 1960s home life. Finally, maths, where they have been reading time to the nearest minute and doing some time problem solving questions. 

Now we go over to P5/4 where a visitor came into their class to do drama called, “Confidence is my Superpower.” They were looking at ways to help the Earth while learning about Earth Day. In numeracy, they have been finishing time and practicing multiplying. They have been doing hockey in PE and have been doing a comprehension all about weeds. Great work from P5/4! 

Onto P6/5 where they have been trying to improve their new algebra skills in numeracy. They also have been continuing their work with P2/3 in ICT and trying to improve the little ones' ICT skills as they will be going into P4 in the summer - how exciting. They have also been trying to learn how to use sign language to sign their name in BSL (British Sign Language.)

In P6/7’s news, they have been doing some fairly impressive things, for example using Microbits (little things for programming) to code rock paper scissors and then play rock paper scissors. Finally, they have been starting to learn about the tragedy that is the Titanic. I'm sure that’ll be very interesting! That's all for p6/7, until next time! 

The P7s have had a very exciting time recently because we have been away on our residential to Inverclyde Sports Centre where we got the chance to play archery, hockey, rugby, lacrosse and handball. We also got to do rock climbing and take part in inclusion sports as well complete a night line where we were blind folded and had to feel our way along a rope course.

Having a play in the gymnastics facilities was one of the highlights as well as a trip to Nardini’s for ice-cream! We were delighted to receive the class of the week trophy when we returned to school.   

Let's end on a high as we announce the Corsehill Netball Team as local champions after winning the Kilwinning Cluster netball tournament.

We are incredibly happy for the netball team and very grateful to Mr Downey and Mrs Scott for all their support in preparing the team for the tournament. Mr Downey and Mrs Scott, we look forward to our celebration McFlurrys.

That’s all for this edition. Thank you for reading!