Scotland's new First Minister John Swinney has confirmed that CalMac Ferries Ltd in prime position to keep their Clyde and Hebrides ferry contract.

The ferry contract, which includes the services to Arran and Cumbrae, is due to expire in September this year.

At First Minister's Questions at Holyrood on May 16, Mr Swinney was asked by Conservative MSP Edward Mountain when the Scottish Government would publish the tendering process for the new contract.

Mr Swinney said the Scottish Cabinet had agreed that, subject to a satisfactory due diligence exercise, the contract could be awarded to CalMac Ferries Ltd.

He told Holyrood: "Should there be an unsatisfactory outcome from the due diligence work, we would revert to a competetive tender process.

"An update on the procurement process will be provided before the summer recess."