A special concert will be held this Thursday to raise funds for a charity providing vital support to Three Towns schoolgirl battling a rare cancer.

Ardrossan Academy pupil Georgie Hyslop has received great support from Marion's House, which provides accommodation for families whose children are undergoing cancer treatment.

Now talented young Ardrossan musician Amy Palmer has organised a fundraiser for the charity in the town's Ardrossan's EU Congregational Church.

And it is hoped that Georgie and her family will be there as guests of honour at the event, which will also be attended by a team from Marion's House.

Last year Georgie, then 15, had to go to school at Ardrossan Academy on crutches after what was initially thought to be a stress fracture in one of her bones.

But doctors realised her fracture wasn’t healing, and sent her for MRI and CT scans, which returned heartbreaking news.

In early December, the Ardrossan teen was diagnosed with a rare cancer called Ewing sarcoma, which occurs in bones or in the soft tissue around them.

Since then, Marion’s House has proved a tremendous support to the family of Georgie, whose mum Lynn describes it as a home from home.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald: Amy PalmerAmy Palmer (Image: Contributed)

Musician Amy is a second year student at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and also teaches piano and singing to local children. Last December, she helped organise a Christmas concert at the church which raised £550 for local charities.

The latest concert, Music for a Summer’s Evening, will showcase the work of Amy’s pupils.

Performances will range from Disney, classical and even Star Wars. There will also be guest appearances from other musicians.

Entry to the concert is free, but there will be fundraising opportunities on the evening and the total raised will be matched by STP Fire and Rescue Services, a local industrial emergency response company.  

The event will take place on Thursday, June 6 at 6.30pm at the church in Ardrossan's Glasgow Street.