A LOCAL history buff has revived a book on the history of Saltcoats - 115 years on from its initial publication.

Over the past year Stewart McGookin, best known for running the Three Towns Explored website and social media pages, has been working to bring 'Saltcoats Old and New - Scotland's Quaintest Burgh' back to life.

The book was first published in 1909 and was written by Patrick Charles Carragher.

The non-fiction work saw the old author detail a retrospective and reflective look at the town as it was over a century ago.

In his original publication, Mr Carragher had just four images included, illustrated by Louis B. Carragher.

The book as it was back then is near-impossible to come across, with only a handful of copies sporadically put up for sale online on sites such as eBay.

It also cost Stewart a decent sum to get a hold of the original - though he did manage and so started his process of bringing it back to life.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald: Saltcoats Old and New is now available to purchase - 115 years after its original publication.

Having done similar previously with 'Stevenston Past and Present', the Three Towns man was aware of the work that would be required.

First was the transcribe the book in its entirety - with no accurate online version of the text available.

Next in the process was bringing the book to life from previously having just four illustrated images.

Stewart set to work on sourcing pictures, via newspaper archives or methods such as buying old postcards online, and in the end managed to add 70 images to the book to help visualise the old author's tour of Saltcoats' history.

The Three Towns Explored founder added one final piece to the book on his own. At the end of the republished addition, Stewart has added an index of every street in Saltcoats which existed when the book was published.

As well as detailing the streets themselves, he also notes exactly how they came to have the names they do.

Stewart is delighted that the project is now complete, and the book available for others to enjoy.

He commented: "Following on from republishing 'Stevenston: Past and Present' by Rev. Morris Moodie last year, we're delighted to make P. Charles Carragher's 'Saltcoats: Old and New' available in print again to a new audience, 115 years after it was first published.

"We think it's important to make sure that these pieces of local history are preserved for posterity and for future generations to enjoy."

The book is available to buy for £15 from the North Ayrshire Heritage Centre in Saltcoats and Seahorse Bookstore in Ardrossan.

You can also pick up a copy online at threetownsexplored.co.uk/.