A PODCASTER from Saltcoats is aiming high after securing some big local and national names for the opening episodes of his own show.

Paul Alcroft set up 'Caley Corner' back in February when he posted his first video in his YouTube channel.

He has posted a number of episodes since, speaking to a whole plethora of guests to discuss a range of different topics.

It has always been a dream of Paul's to launch his own podcast, though it was only recently that he managed to make this a reality.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald: Paul Alcroft has already posted episodes with a wide variety of guests.

Paul, who hails from the town but now lives in Knightswood, said: "I'd been wanting to start up a podcast for years but life kind of just got in the way.

"Then one day I got an email from my old uni mate saying they had a podcast studio now and anybody could use it, so fate intervened.

"I thought, 'it’s now or never, why not?' and started it up.

"The main podcasts I listen to are Joe Rogan and Lex Friedman but they’re both based out in America.

"I thought there was a gap in the market for the stuff I’m interested in, like, football, politics, history, comedy, how society functions and so forth, so I set up Caley Corner."

Since then, he has made use of his various contacts, including some in Ayrshire, to host guests such as former Celtic star Tom Boyd, ex-politician Tommy Sheridan and even current Ardeer Thistle boss Sean Kenney.

Paul added: "I’ve cast the net pretty wide in terms of guests because I’m fed up with the format of the interviews and the answers they give on TV.

"I’m hoping I can get more out of them by trying to have the podcast be more conversational than interview.

"I used to perform stand-up for a few years, so I’m using my contacts there as well.

"I find comedians have often got a unique take on things and they’re obviously funny, so hopefully people are finding the podcasts entertaining as well as maybe a little informative. 

"Frank Gilfeather [a long-serving news and sport journalist based in the north-east of Scotland] had some brilliant stories about Jack Johnson, who was the first black heavyweight champion of the world, so I’ve been soaking up lots and hopefully it's the same for the listeners and subscribers."

Having got Caley Corner off the ground, Paul says he has high hopes of seeing it grow.

He continued: "I hope to run events in time, like live shows around the central belt with some past guests and folk from the world of comedy, football, politics and entertainment industries.

"I also need 500 subscribers on YouTube before they start paying you for the content, so that’s another small personal goal.

"It doesn’t cost anything for someone to subscribe, so hopefully I can reach that some point soon.

"Apart from that, the goal is to keep growing my network, have fun and hopefully create some good content that people can enjoy."

For those interested in listening the Paul's podcast, all episodes are available on his YouTube channel at youtube.com/@CaleyCorner/featured.

All episodes are also available in an audio only format on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Amazon Music.