The Three Towns are getting set for one of the biggest events of the summer this weekend...the Ardrossan Highland Games.

Final preparations are well under way, with the gates set to open at the Memorial Field on Sunday, June 11 at 8.30am.

And the Games committee are once again proud to be handing out more than 2,600 free tickets to Three Towns primary schools.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald: Ardrossan Highland Games 2023

The chieftain of this year's event will be Saltcoats man Glenn Turner. He will follow on from Brenda Johnstone who was exceptional in the role in 2023.

Glenn is well known to many as the owner of several small businesses around the area.

He has also spent many years volunteering with local organisations such as SeaSalt Streets, the Saltcoats Active Lifestyle Team and Ripple Effect.

Glenn, along with his wife Lynn and three children, say they are really looking forward to the event.

He told the Herald earlier this year: "I was surprised to be asked, and delighted to accept, not only for myself but as recognition for all the volunteers working to make our communities better."

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald: Ardrossan Highland Games 2023

As always, the Games will be heard across the town, with the usual pipe band and solo piping competitions to take place.

Other big events will include Highland dancing competitions and the always impressive 'heavy' section, featuring cabet tossing.

Plenty of attractions will also be dotted across the field with the craft tent already fully booked by stallholders.

There will be a limited number of free car parking spaces available on the day too - just follow the signs.

Entry will cost £4 for adults, £2 for children and a family ticket (two adults and two kids) will cost £8.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald: Ardrossan Highland Games 2023

Please note only cash is accepted at the entry gates.

Your nearest cash line on the day will be at the Jet Garage, Parkhouse Road, Ardrossan, a three minute walk from the  main entry point on Sorbie Road.

For more information as the day itself approaches, check out the Games' Facebook page -