On the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, a former Stevenston woman has shared her memories of a trip to the Normandy beaches and a chance meeting with an Ayrshire ex-serviceman.

Margaret Wood, who now lives in Aberdeen, says the anniversary brought back memories of her "enforced stay" in the north of France.

She revealed: "Sailing from Portsmouth to Caen, on disembarking the towbar of our car was damaged and being Saturday evening, garages were closed.

"We stayed in the local caravan site where a rumbling sound was heard all through the night. In the morning we walked towards it along the canal path, ending up at the Pegasus Bridge.

"Crossing it we investigated the landing sites of the glider planes and read of Lord Lovat and his piper leading the initial assault.

"This was a stark reminder of what had taken place all these years ago."

Margaret continued: "Monday saw us standing outside the local Co-op waiting to buy provisions. We heard two men speaking in familiar accents and got into conversation with them.

"Old comrades, they met up yearly in Bayeux, leaving their wives at home.

"I was amazed to discover one came from West Kilbride, whilst his friend was from Elgin.

"Born in Stevenson but now living in Aberdeen, I was delighted to share common ground.

"Our enforced stay in northern France will never be forgotten, especially at this the of year."