Ayrshire's General Election candidates have responded to the shock news that more than 30 per cent of kids across the county are now living in poverty.

We revealed earlier this week that Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock, where 31.6 per cent of children were living in poverty, with North Ayrshire close behind at 31.5 per cent.

Both constituencies were in the top ten for child poverty across Scotland.

Close behind them were Central Ayrshire with a child poverty figure of 30.6 per cent and Kilmarnock and Loudoun, where the figure now stands at 30 per cent.

We asked election candidates from all parties to respond to the figures.

Allan Dorans, Elaine Stewart and Corri WilsonAllan Dorans, Elaine Stewart and Corri Wilson (Image: Contributed)

Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock SNP candidate Allan Dorans told us: "That child poverty in my constituency rose to 31.6 per cent in 2021/2022 is a matter of the gravest concern to me. With my party, the SNP, I am dedicated to the eradication of child poverty in Scotland in the next few years.

"Though with limited control over the economy, we have taken steps with the additional Scottish Child Payment, described by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation as a ‘watershed already showing that poverty can be tackled with political will.’ 

"The Child Poverty Action group is confident that child poverty is already falling in Scotland, way below that in the rest of the UK."

Read more: https://www.ardrossanherald.com/news/24371490.shock-figures-expose-growth-child-poverty-across-ayrshire/

Elaine Stewart, Labour candidate for the same seat seat said: "As someone who works daily with children and young people in some of the affected communities, I can assure you that reason I am standing is to ensure that the child poverty is high on the agenda on a daily basis.

"I run food banks and, to be perfectly honest, children and young people should not be eating from this form of support on a daily basis.

"Addressing child poverty in Scotland requires a sustained, collaborative effort across various sectors and levels of government, with active involvement from communities and families affected by poverty. 

"If elected, I will ensure one of my missions is to fight hard to bring those statistics down."

Alba candidate for the seat Corrie Wilson said: "The statistics are heart-wrenching with Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock ranking eighth among the worst areas for child poverty. 

"Frustratingly, this doesn’t have to be the case. Scotland is a resource rich country, well capable of providing a comfortable life and opportunities for all its citizens.

"It is time for bold action to reverse this trend once and for all and ensure every child in Scotland has the chance to thrive. 

"Alba’s plan includes an annual £500 payment to low income families, increasing the Scottish Child Payment to £40 per week and extending free school meals to all pupils. 

"The increasing rates of child poverty are unacceptable and the SNP government must take some responsibility for these failings."

David Rocks and Alan GemmellDavid Rocks and Alan Gemmell (Image: Contributed)

Central Ayrshire Labour candidate Alan Gemmell said: "It shames both of our governments that no progress has been made tackling child poverty.

"We are finding people we are speaking to on the doorstep are struggling with the cost of living failed by two governments, the Tories and the SNP.

"Labour will lift people out of poverty by making work pay, giving people a living wage, bringing energy bills down and putting more money into people’s pockets."

David Rocks, who is standing as the Conservative candidate for the same seat, said: "One child living in poverty is one too many. I am deeply shocked to see levels of child poverty soaring in Ayrshire and as a teacher, I know the impact that can have on their education.

"SNP ministers have been quick to boast about measures they have taken, but the reality is too many children are suffering in our communities.

"We must see them pull out all the stops to ensure that every child has the best start in life and work closely with the UK Government to ensure support gets to those who need it most."

Michael Mann and Todd FergusonMichael Mann and Todd Ferguson (Image: Contributed)

North Ayrshire & Arran Conservative candidate Todd Ferguson said: "I am deeply concerned to see such a significant rise in child poverty across North Ayrshire and Arran.

"This has a damaging impact on young people not only right now, but also will potentially impact upon their future opportunities later in life as well.

"Sustained SNP cuts to councils year after year mean local authorities are being asked to deliver vital services with fewer resources.

"John Swinney says eradicating child poverty is his top priority, but this shows the SNP are going backwards and he must urgently up his game to stop these figures continuing to head in the wrong direction."

And his rival candidate for Reform, Michael Mann, said: "The child poverty figures are very distressing. They are a symptom of policy failure and go with drug abuse statistics as a sign of economic decline.

"Economic indicators such as increasing population combined with declining food production lead to food shortage and prices, rising faster than inflation.

"We need a reversal of agricultural policies to return to self sufficiency. This is a long term solution to reverse long term decline. It must also be matched with carefully placed and well designed short term intervention which can be financed through the unspent EU funds held by the Scottish Government."

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