KILWINNING man Michael Kirkum says he is "very humbled" after receiving a royal invite in the post.

But he admits he may need to pick up new attire after receiving an invite to the royal garden party at the Palace of Holyroodhouse next month.

The event is one of three garden parties held by the monarch each summer, each one aimed at recognising and rewarding public service. 

After yet another fantastic year of fundraising for the Crosshouse Children's Fund, it is no surprise to see Michael on the list.

That is, of course, for everyone except Michael, who was shocked when he saw the invite come through from The Lord Chamberlain, on the instructions of the King.

He commented: “I was like 'what’s he wanting?' – I just thought it was for the wrong person altogether.

“I’m very humbled. It just shows that people are recognising the work we’re doing.

“This last year things have really spiralled, and maybe it’s a reflection of that.”

But Michael admits he isn't quite sure what exactly to expect at the event, which takes place on Tuesday, July 2.

He added: “I think it’s quite an upmarket affair. I’ve been told to wear my morning suit – my idea of that is my pyjamas.”

Though the Kilwinning man, who has been raising funds for the hospital charity for more than a decade now, thinks the garden party could provide a great opportunity to boost his charitable efforts.

It is also a major boost for him personally, after bad weather put paid to his plans to attend the Point of Light Awards earlier this year.

Michael had been chosen for a Point of Light award by the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak - though, not unlike his reaction to the garden party invitation, he initially thought it was a wind-up and hung up the phone after the first call.

Michael commented: “I’m looking forward to getting up and doing it – and hopefully it gets the charity out there too.

“That’s the main thing. I’ll be networking, I may never get that chance again.

“It will be well worth going to experience it all.”