Kilwinning Community Events are getting organised for this year's Picnic in the Park on Thursday, August 8 in McGavin Park.

The Picnic in the Park attracts a wide audience with no entry charge, entertainment, some free activities including children’s entertainers and try it sessions. 

Event organiser for the group, Councillor Donald Reid said: "There will be some stuff you will need money for but we try to keep as much free as possible. 

"Any community group or local services wanting to engage with the Kilwinning community is welcome to take up space at the event to promote themselves, as always."

Kilwinning Community Events (KCE) will also be having an inflatable day in the park along with Uncle Billy on Sunday, July 7 which is aimed at the younger kids.

More details for both events is available on the KCE Facebook page. Events rely on volunteers and just a few more helpers with admin or on event days would really help.  

The group also report that some of their play equipment is getting on for three years plus constant usage, so you’ll start to see them carrying out some repairs which we cover the cost of, some is due to wear and tear and some fixing damage done. 

Cllr Reid said: "Crazy golf restoration is now complete and KCE are grateful to Justice Services for the support to re-establish this feature in the park. 

"The toilets continue to be opened, closed and cleaned by volunteers. KCE plan to open them throughout the summer school holidays from 10am to 5pm each dry day if they have volunteers to cover. The toilets currently are opened at weekends and by prior arrangement for weekday group visits as well."

Meanwhile, Kilwinning Litter Pickers have continued tidying up McGavin Park (and indeed throughout Kilwinning) keeping the park as tidy as possible but everyone can help when visiting by placing their own rubbish in the bins provided and just helping by picking up one item would keep the park spotless. 

KCE have now adopted the bed as you enter McGavin Park and it was planted up with a variety of long term shrubs and perennials.

Cllr Reid added: "Sadly nothing can be left alone and a number of items disappeared but we will do our best to build it up and add some colour to it. Thanks to a volunteer agreeing to help adopt its maintenance."

Finally, there are no firm plans for a fireworks display in November, although its not been written off yet completely.

Cllr Reid said: "We were encouraging the local community to engage in the consultation on use of open space and play parks. We are now following the council policy in the park of no helium balloon or sky lantern releases on council land.

"There are a few other items on the horizon, a ban on bonfires on council land and no use of animals solely for entertainment although as a group we are one step ahead with the adoption of our own policy, following public interest in the matter locally. "