Beith residents are being urged to have their say on future improvements to the town's Orr's Park.

A feasibility study is currently being carried out by Beith Trust, in collaboration with New Practice, Beith Playpark Action Group, Fun Time Carnival, and Beith and District Community Council.

And they say feedback is essential in understanding how the community currently views the park space and how they think it can be improved for future use.

Orr’s Park has been a central part of Beith, hosting funfairs, football games, open days, and festivals over the years. Now, they want to hear the public's vision for its future.

Do you see Orr’s Park as an accessible space for all ages and abilities? A place with sheltered seating for picnics and social gatherings? Or maybe a greener area with a stronger ecosystem?

Participating in the study is simple. Complete the Trust's online form here or visit their stall at the St Innan’s Day celebrations in Beith this Saturday, June 22, at the Beith Community Centre car park.

There, you can learn more and share your ideas with the Trust in person.

Your responses will provide valuable insights and suggest potential enhancements for the park. Everyone is welcome to contribute, no matter how big or small their ideas arr.

For any queries please email us at or call them on 01505 228141.