THE team behind the revival of one of Scotland's most famous nightclubs are celebrating another major boost.

North Ayrshire Council licencing board approved an application made by the Metro nightclub in Saltcoats to extend their core opening hours until 2.30am on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

The iconic venue were also given the go-ahead to host a wider range of events - including boxing events, wrestling events such as MMA, live sports screening on TV, bingo, bongos bingo and family fun days - following the board meeting on Monday, June 17.

One further variation to their previous licence was also approved, allowing the sale of alcohol at events which can be attended by both under and over 18s.

Prior to the meeting, five objections were submitted with regards to the application, with four parties offering their support to the Metro team.

Those against approving the extended hours claimed that neighbouring properties were being negatively impacted by the noise of music coming from the club.

While others alleged that, since re-opening, there had been increased disorder in and around the venue, causing a public nuisance.

Though support was also thrown behind the proposals, in particular from groups who have benefited from use of the premises since it opened back up.

A director from the Kickin' On Community charity said: "Our partnership with Metro Nightclub has been particularly meaningful in the context of mental health and suicide prevention.

"We firmly believe that socialising, nightlife, and music are essential elements in promoting mental well-being.

"Nightclubs like Metro provide a critical space where individuals can relax, socialise, and connect with others in a positive and supportive environment."

While another letter of support added: "What the business is trying to do for the local community is amazing and have been a great support to a local ASN group.

"It's bringing a buzz back to the town that's been missing for so long."

Approval is the latest major step made by owners Gary Burns and Stevie Miller who saw years of hard work pay off when the Hamilton Street nightclub re-opened in February.

Prior to this, the premises had been closed for over a decade - despite it's incredible popularity throughout the 1990s.

Now, the nightclub has taken a further step in a return to those heydays.

It is not yet clear how operation will be affected in the near future following this licence approval, with details still to be ironed out with regards to events already organised and any future plans.