St Bridget's Primary in Kilbirnie held a fantastic Summer Fayre last Friday, with the pupils, staff, parents and friends having a great day.

(Image: Charlie Gilmour)

There were plenty of stalls and lots of things to keep the wee ones occupied on the big day.

(Image: Charlie Gilmour)

And that included a soak the teacher event, which was a big hit.

A school spokesperson said on X (formerly Twitter): "Goes without saying that the 'Soak the Teacher' was a somewhat popular attraction at the Summer Fayre on Friday.

(Image: Charlie Gilmour)

"Thanks to Mr Sloan and Elaine from the Parent Council for joining Mr. Hopkins in the stocks!"

(Image: Charlie Gilmour)

Congratulations to the school for organising such an excellent event.

(Image: Charlie Gilmour)

Our photographer Charlie Gilmour was there to capture some of the action.