A SALTCOATS man has been given "one last chance" after being convicted of driving offences for the 11th and 12th time.

Ryan Cullen was sentenced for his two latest offences when he appeared at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on Wednesday, June 19.

He had previously admitted driving while banned and without insurance.

The incident took place at around 11.05am on March 4, the procurator fiscal depute told the court.

Police witnesses were on uniformed mobile patrol when they saw Cullen's vehicle travelling in the opposing direction along High Road and Sharphill Road in Saltcoats.

They had reason to stop the vehicle and carry out a Police National Computer (PNC) check on the car.

Cullen pulled over when signalled, got out of the vehicle and admitted to cops that he was disqualified.

He was cautioned and charged before being taken to Irvine police office.

Colin Adam, defending, said the 32-year-old had bought the car a short time before the incident, with the view to using in on the expiry of his ban a few weeks later.

Mr Adam added that the car was in need of various repairs, many of which Cullen, of Windmill Street, was carrying out himself.

The solicitor added: “For a reason even he finds hard to explain, he went to a local company to see if he could get new tyres for the car.

"He was on his way home from there when he was caught."

Mr Adam added that he had explained the seriousness of the matter to his client.

He told Sheriff Shirley McKenna: “He is reaching the stage where if he continues to offend he will receive a custodial sentence but I am hoping my lady can stop short of that today.”

Passing sentence, Sheriff McKenna noted that Cullen's latest convictions were his 11th and 12th for driving offences, though she did not disclose details of the previous 10.

She added: “You made a very foolish, impulsive decision. I am not sure you understand the consequences and implications this could have had.”

Instead of prison, the sheriff put Cullen on a community payback order with 12 months of social work supervision and ordered him to complete 100 hours of unpaid work by December.


He was also banned from holding or obtaining a licence for a further 16 months.

Sheriff McKenna added: “This will be one last chance. If you drive between now and then it is at your peril.”