THE owners of a Saltcoats pub have insisted it's still "business as usual" at the bar despite seeing their application for a licence refused on a technicality.

And the team currently running The Windy Ha, described as the 'oldest pub in Saltcoats', are hoping they can continue to grow after an impressive first four months at the helm.

Local couple Sean Conaghan and Paige Loye opened the doors of the business in February after months of hard work behind the scenes.

The pub had been closed for around 10 months before then.

The pair were unable to sell alcohol for a month after opening, but since March they have been allowed to sell booze at the bar through a series of 'occasional licences'.

It was hoped that at the North Ayrshire Council licensing board meeting on Monday, June 17, The Windy Ha would secure their full premises licence - putting an end to the need for occasional permissions.

But the application was rejected on a technicality - because a notice which had to be put on public display, advertising the licence application and inviting comments - had not been displayed for the required 21 days, in a place "clearly visible to the public".


The issue was raised by one of two objectors to the application, both of whom live in a flat above the pub.

They also complained that there was "excessive noise" from the bar, a strong smell from their kitchen and that the staff fire escape exit was on to on their common close.

Mr Conaghan told the board the application had been properly displayed, a point which was supported by Saltcoats and Stevenston councillor Jean McClung.

But Mr Connaghan admitted he did not photograph the notice when it was displayed.

This led to the board stating they could not approve the application at this time.

Chair Cllr Eleanor Collier said: “We are not happy that we have evidence that your site notice is properly displayed.

"It has to be visible to the public. Putting it behind a window that is frosted is not good enough; it has to be at eye level and legible. It could be on a lamppost or laminated.

“We re not going to grant. We want you to re-display the notice for 21 days and it will be brought back to the next licensing board in September.

"We know you have built up your business, and are going to allow you to continue on the occasional licences until that time.

"But you must come with evidence that this has been done as per regulations."

The site notice is now back on display, including on the suggested lamppost outside the bar.

Mr Conaghan said the rejection made no difference to the pub's current operation.

He told the Herald: "The rejection is frustrating because we did what was asked of us.

"We just never thought it would come down to needing a photo to prove this.

"Regardless, we will continue on as normal, hopefully building on what has been a really positive start to our time at The Windy.

"We have really started to change things up recently. The bar has been at its busiest in recent weeks.

"We are keen to let people know that despite this setback we are still open, come in and give us a try."

Further information can be found at The Windy Ha Facebook page.