The future of Ardrossan Harbour sparked another debate at the Scottish Parliament today.

And Transport Secretary Fiona Hyslop told MSPs that progress was being made on the long awaited redevelopment of the harbour, with an announcement coming soon.

Labour West of Scotland MSP Katy Clark asked Ms Hyslop for an update on the progress of the plans during Holyrood questions and called for a final decision to be announced in July.

Ms Hyslop replied: "As I said in my response to the debate last week, I can confirm that we have been progressing the Ardrossan business case and cost exercise and that this is substantially complete.

"Transport Scotland are working with partners to finalise this and any updates on the project will not announced until after the pre-election period."

Ms Clark stated: "Ardrossan has been the main port to Arran for 190 years. It is the shortest, quickest route. 

"Humza Yousaf signed off the redevelopment in 2018, but six years of delays for successive reasons means the ferries will now be running from Troon.

"Will the Cabinet Secretary ensure that there's a final announcement in July with a plan for the redevelopment of Ardrossan Harbour?"

Ms Hyslop replied: "The member will know as it is not just herself, but Kenneth Gibson as the local MSP, and others that have repeatedly made the case for Ardrossan. I absolutely understand that.

MSP Katy Clark, left, and Transport Secretary Fiona Hyslop (Image: Newsquest)

"But it is absolutely essential to get the substantial investment that is required and a robust business case is set out that meets all the requirements of good decision making.

"I understand the frustrations not just of people on Arran but also Campbeltown to get this resolved but I have been clear and open and I will talk specifically with the partners from the taskforce, expects as soon as it is practically possible to do so."

The issue of tensions between Ardrossan Harbour owners Peel Ports and CalMac was then raised. CalMac were taken by surprise when Peel Ports announced the closure of Ardrossan's Irish berth, used for the second Arran ferry, claiming it had deteriorated due to "overuse".

West of Scotland Conservative MSP Jamie Greene told the meeting: "There's a very undignified public spat taking place between Peel Ports and CalMac at the moment. This is symptomatic of the wider issues and the breakdown in relationships.

"Could the Cabinet Secretary intervene to ensure stakeholders are working together for the greater good and for the benefit of island communities?"

Ms Hyslop replied: "I take that very seriously indeed and the success of any development would be with partners working collaboratively together.

"I can assure him, that we have had a very constructive task force meeting in May and that was an opportunity for everyone to understand the progress made with the element that still had to be resolved. I think that is evidence of my personal involvement with the taskforce to take this project forward."

After the meeting, Ms Clark said: "For months, I have repeatedly called upon the Transport Secretary to unequivocally confirm that Ardrossan will remain the mainland port for the Arran service, which is what ferry users, residents and the workforce want.

"I am pleased that progress has finally been made on a new business case, but as soon as the election concludes we need to have full clarity on this project and its scope."

Mr Greene said later: "The spat between Peel Ports and CalMac is yet another instance of the breakdown in trust up and down the ferry network.

“Maintaining relationships with key partners within the ferry network is just as important as maintaining the ports themselves, but at the moment it seems the government can do neither.

“This is especially true for Ardrossan harbour, which is in desperate need of development. Ministers need to quit the endless blame game with CalMac and Peel Ports and collaborate to fix the harbour."