Welcome back to Corsehill Classchat...this is our final edition, so this time we’re just reflecting on the year, and on how much better we have become! 

Every month a class has an assembly about their topic. We have saw multiple amazing assemblies from some classes, ranging from assemblies about China to Robert Burns. 

In February, the Corsehill Primary 7s hosted a Burns Supper. It was great and everyone had a good time, we sang songs, and the parents loved it. 

Last week, the P7 pupils had a ceremony dedicated to them. We sang, we shared our favourite memories, the P7 teachers read a poem out... oh, and they showed a short video we made using the green screen where we talked about what kind of careers we hope to have in the future.  

Last Friday, the P7 pupils had a neon-themed party at the Love Hall. We got photos taken of everyone, got to eat pizza and did the conga!  

We’d like to thank everyone at Ayrshire Weekly Press for giving us the opportunity to write our own Classchat.

We have really enjoyed doing it and we hope you have enjoyed reading it!

(Corsehill P7 Class of 2024)