Scotland's Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes joined North Ayrshire and Arran SNP candidate Patricia Gibson on the campaign trail.

They visited Dunbia Highland Meats in Saltcoats for a tour before joining SNP supporters at the town's harbour for a photo call.

After the visit, Ms Forbes said: "Dunbia Highland Meats are doing an exemplary job taking a Scottish product that is renowned the world over, exporting it, creating jobs and bringing value back to Scotland.

"It is a brilliant business making jobs based on a Scottish product and our agenda is trying to create more of that.

"But there are problems because of Brexit. The next UK Government has got to fix the relationship with Europe and someone needs to hold the Labour Party to account to deliver it for regions like this across Scotland.

Candidate Patricia Gibson, left, with Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes in SaltcoatsCandidate Patricia Gibson, left, with Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes in Saltcoats (Image: Newsquest)

Ms Gibson added: "There a conspiracy of silence on Brexit and we need to put Scotland's case forward."

Asked about the campaign in North Ayrshire, the Deputy First Minister said: " I am delighted to be supporting the wonderful SNP candidate Patricia Gibson, who has been a brilliant MP for the area and a very vocal representative in the House of Commons.

"My hope is that she will return to Parliament on July 4 with support from the local people so she can put the area's interests first."

Asked about how the election was going on the doorsteps, Ms Gibson said: "It has been going very well. We are fighting for every vote and we are running a very positive campaign.

"People are worried about the cost of living crisis and energy bills and it is the same across Scotland. "

Questioned about the big topic of the day - the delays in postal votes being issued with less than a week to go before the election - Ms Forbes said: "The issue with postal votes is a extremely concerning.

"Everyone has the right to exercise their democratic responsibility yet people are facing issues with postal votes.

"I don't think the UK government give two hoots about the timing of the election in Scotland, where the schools are just going on holiday."

While the weather at Saltcoats seafront could only be described as blustery, the two SNP politicians were delighted by the sunshine. with the Deputy First Minister enjoying the view of Arran before saying: "This is just lovely."

Eight candidates will be on the ballot paper when voters step into polling booths in the North Ayrshire and Arran constituency:

  • Irene Campbell, Scottish Labour Party
  • Gillian Cole-Hamilton, Scottish Liberal Democrats
  • Todd Ferguson, Scottish Conservative and Unionist
  • Ian Charles Gibson, Social Democratic Party
  • Patricia Gibson, Scottish National Party (SNP)
  • Mike Mann. Reform UK
  • James McDaid, Socialist Labour Party
  • Cara McKee, Scottish Green Party