Scottish Conservative and Unionist candidate for North Ayrshire and Arran Todd Ferguson says his party’s manifesto has a “laser-like focus on the real priorities” of local people.

He was reacting after the party launched their manifesto on Edinburgh with the following five key pledges at its heart:

  • Recruiting 1,000 extra GPs as part of a strategy to reduce waiting times across Scotland’s NHS. 
  • Restoring schools by backing teachers to teach and increasing subject choices for pupils.
  • Making our streets safer by recruiting 1,000 extra police officers and introducing longer sentences for dangerous criminals.
  • Cutting income tax and national insurance to help ordinary Scottish workers and families.
  • Upgrading Scotland’s neglected roads, including the A9, A96, A90, A75, A77, A83 and A1.

Mr Ferguson said: “My party’s key manifesto pledges show that we are laser-focused on the real priorities of people living and working in North Ayrshire and Arran.

“During this General Election campaign, these are the issues that voters in North Ayrshire in Arran are concerned about, not the SNP’s independence obsession.

“Our manifesto has at its heart five key priorities focused on the issues that really matter to people, whereas the opening page of the SNP’s manifesto is solely dedicated to independence.

“People in North Ayrshire and Arran want to see crucial roads upgraded and councils given the funding to fix potholes.

“They want to see an end to long NHS waits and more GPs recruited to local surgeries so that they can get an appointment to see a doctor.

“Voters are worried about their children’s education after 17 years of the SNP presiding over Scotland falling down international league tables.

“They want to see extra police officers on our streets in North Ayrshire and Arran to help keep communities safe.

“And we will deliver much needed tax cuts for hard-pressed Scots who have been hit by the SNP making Scotland the highest-taxed part of the United Kingdom.

“If you vote Scottish Conservative on July 4 in North Ayrshire and Arran those are the real priorities I will be fully focused on as your MP, in sharp contrast to an SNP MP who would only be focused on pushing for independence.”

Eight candidates will be on the ballot paper when voters step into polling booths in the North Ayrshire and Arran constituency: They are:

  • Irene Campbell, Scottish Labour Party
  • Gillian Cole-Hamilton, Scottish Liberal Democrats
  • Todd Ferguson, Scottish Conservative and Unionist
  • Ian Charles Gibson, Social Democratic Party
  • Patricia Gibson, Scottish National Party (SNP)
  • Mike Mann. Reform UK
  • James McDaid, Socialist Labour Party
  • Cara McKee, Scottish Green Party