AN ARDROSSAN woman left a teenage boy badly hurt after a savage assault with a glass bottle.

Jasmine Arthur joined in with others in the attack on the 13-year-old boy in the town's Hunter Avenue.

The 21-year-old then went on to assault a woman elsewhere in the town on the same day, again using a glass bottle as a weapon.

Arthur pleaded guilty at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court to punching the child on the body and striking him on the head with a bottle, chasing him and repeatedly punching and kicking him on the head and body to his severe injury.

The incident happened on September 16, 2023.

She also admitted assaulting a woman in South Crescent Road in the same day, hitting her victim on the shoulder with a glass bottle, punching her on the head and grabbing her hair.

Then, when police arrived, she assaulted a constable then tried to bite him.

Arthur's solicitor told Sheriff Laura Mundell that his client was living in short-term accommodation in Ardrossan but had not reported her new address to the court, or to the social work team dealing with her case.

Sheriff Mundell told her: "I will defer sentence until July.

"You need to go to the social work department and make sure they know your new address.”