Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar joined North Ayrshire & Arran candidate Irene Campbell on the campaign trail at the weekend.

They visited Saltcoats and Largs to drum up support with less than a week to go until this Thursday's General Election.

Mr Sarwar met activists in Saltcoats before walking through the town to meet voters and then headed to meet the regular bingo players at Saltcoats Labour Club.

At Moka in LargsAt Moka in Largs (Image: Scottish Labour)

A Labour Party spokesperson said: "Anas and Irene met with voters who were switching from SNP to Labour, from Tory to Labour and even Lib Dem to Labour.

"Later, Anas and Irene headed to Largs where they walked down the prom speaking to voters with Katy Clark MSP. They then had lunch at Moka, the new cafe in Largs and met the owner."

Candidate Irene CampbellCandidate Irene Campbell (Image: Scottish Labour)

Irene said: "It was absolutely fantastic to have Anas in North Ayrshire and Arran today.

"From bingo in Saltcoats to Moka in Largs, it is clear our communities are crying out for change.

"We have been out everyday speaking to voters and sharing our plans for bringing change to our area, from ending zero hour contracts and making work to pay to putting tackling Climate Change at the heart of all we do.

Labour campaign in SaltcoatsLabour campaign in Saltcoats (Image: Scottish Labour)

"Vote Scottish Labour on July 4 to deliver the change we need and elect an MP who will put working hard ahead of headlines."

The full list of North Ayrshire & Arran candidates at the election is as follows: 

  • Irene Campbell, Scottish Labour Party
  • Gillian Cole-Hamilton, Scottish Liberal Democrats
  • Todd Ferguson, Scottish Conservative and Unionist
  • Ian Charles Gibson, Social Democratic Party
  • Patricia Gibson, Scottish National Party (SNP)
  • Mike Mann. Reform UK
  • James McDaid, Socialist Labour Party
  • Cara McKee, Scottish Green Party