A VIOLENT thug who abducted, assaulted and threatened to kill his former partner has been jailed.

Brendan Paul narrowly missed his ex when he threw a kitchen knife towards her, then told her he was going to “bury her in a carpet” – and warned his victim and a second woman he was going to murder them.

Paul appeared at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court for sentencing after pleading guilty to two charges in connection with the incident, which happened in Kilwinning on March 28-29.

The procurator fiscal depute said Paul and his victim had been in an “on and off” relationship for a year before splitting three months before the incident.

On the afternoon of March 28 the woman and her friend were at another person’s house in Kilmarnock before all three took a taxi to the property in Kilwinning where 36-year-old Paul then lived, a top floor flat on Ninian’s Terrace.

The trio were drinking and listening to music, while Paul had taken ‘street valium’.

Later, the court heard, Paul – described in court papers as a prisoner at HMP Kilmarnock – claimed his ex was “triggering him” and started making attempts to bother her, such as pulling her hair.

The other woman called Paul out for his behaviour, but he only became more aggressive.

At this point, the prosecutor said, Paul’s ex decided she’d “had enough” and made to leave – but Paul told her: “You are not f*****g leaving.”

He then went to the kitchen and brought back a knife.

"He threw the knife towards her,” the fiscal said. “It did not hit her but came very close to her."

Paul also told the woman that he was going to "bury her in a carpet".

He then pushed her on to the couch where he repeatedly punched and kicked her on the body.

The 36-year-old also told both women: “Youse aren’t leaving and I’m going to murder youse”

The two woman then made attempts to run to the front door, but Paul got there first, locked it and removed the key.

Paul’s ex, however, managed to phone the police, with the fiscal depute adding she was speaking at a whisper so that Paul was not made aware she was making the call.

When cops arrived, Paul let them in – at which point the two victims pushed their way outside.

They told police what had happened; officers noticed signs of a disturbance and arrested Paul at the scene, taking him to Saltcoats police office where he was held in custody until a court appearance on March 30.

Following his court appearance Paul was remanded in custody.

Defence solicitor Simon Brown said Paul’s ex had come to the address to “continue an argument”, but that Paul himself had “little recollection” of matters.

Sheriff George Jamieson jailed Paul for 14 months, backdated to March 30, and put a non-harassment order in place banning Paul from contacting his ex for two years.