THE SNP's defeated candidates in Ayrshire have kept their reactions brief after falling to defeat in the General Election.

Allan Dorans was defeated in Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock, and Annie McIndoe in Central Ayrshire, as the party lost all four of its Ayrshire constituencies to Labour.

The results made for difficult reading for the SNP, who saw their vote share both locally and nationally drop significantly from the last general election.

For Mr Dorans this fell by 17.2 per cent in comparison to 2019, while Ms McIndoe's share dropped 19.1 per cent from when Dr Philippa Whitford held her seat five years ago.

In stark contrast, Labour's share rose 23.2 and 29.6 per cent respectively from the previous UK election.

After the results were announced at the Citadel Leisure Centre in Ayr early on Friday, both unsuccessful SNP candidates made brief speeches to the public gallery.

Ms McIndoe kept it short, congratulating the victorious Labour candidate Alan Gemmell, while paying a quick tribute to departing Central Ayrshire MP Dr Whitford.

She said: “I would like to congratulate Alan on his win and all the other candidates for their camaraderie and companionship - we know how difficult it can be

“I would like to thank my campaign team and the inimitable Philippa Whitford.”

Mr Dorans also congratulated the successful candidate, Labour's Elaine Stewart, while also thanking those who made has four-and-a-half years in Westminster possible.

He said: “May I be the first to congratulate Elaine Stewart and her title of Elaine Stewart, MP for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock.

“My thanks to the returning officer, count staff and staff at polling stations throughout the constituency – we managed to visit 21 of them and they were fantastic.

“The organisation of an election is an incredibly complex logistical operation to enable a fair, unbiased and politically neutral election and I believe South Ayrshire Council delivered that.

“My thanks also to Police Scotland not only for supervising the election today but for looking after us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year.”

READ MORE: Look back at how election night unfolded across Ayrshire - as we saw it in our live blog

Mr Dorans continued: “I would also like to take the opportunity to thank all the other candidates in this election campaign for the respectful and decent way in which they conducted their campaigns.

“There was no abuse, no malice and no other personal attacks which we have seen elsewhere in the country.

“Thank you all for your time this evening, particularly the SNP members who helped me get to where I have been and wherever I am to go in the future.”

In Kilmarnock and Loudoun, Alan Brown was the first SNP MP to be deposed as the counting team at the Galleon Centre won the race to be the first in Scotland to declare a result.

Mr Brown said: "I've loved working as an MP for the area. I love representing the constituents of Kilmarnock and Loudoun, and I love trying to help people.

"I'm disappointed I'm not in a position to do that going forward. I'll review my options and see what the future holds. 

"As one door closes, another one opens."

And following her defeat in North Ayrshire and Arran, Patricia Gibson simply said: "I've no other speeches. Nothing else to say. Tomorrow's another day."