NORTH Ayrshire Council have provided an update after legionella bacteria was discovered in the water supply to part of Ardrossan Academy.

The issue was uncovered in the middle of May, during planned maintenance to the school's water supply, and affected the supply to the school's A and B blocks only.

At that time, pupils were sent home from school, and plans were put in place to make use of the unaffected school buildings to allow pupils to continue their timetables as normal while the issue was addressed.

Now, with schools now out for summer, the council have confirmed that the bacteria is no longer present.

A spokesperson said: “Following the temporary measures put in place at Ardrossan Academy in May, a full clean, flush and disinfect of the water system was undertaken immediately.

“Follow-up assurance samples were taken and the subsequent results confirmed legionella was no longer present.”

The results of the follow-up test mean that as things stand pupils and staff should be able to return to school as normal at the start of the new term in August.

A legionella discovery in the water supply at Auchenharvie Academy in Stevenston last summer resulted in the school building being shut for the first two weeks of the 2023-24 academic year, with classes taught at a number of alternative venues, including St Matthew's Academy in Saltcoats, Ardrossan Civic Centre, and Saltcoats Town Hall.