The emergency services joined forces in Saltcoats at the weekend to pass on some key tips on water safety and CPR.

Organised by the Ardrossan Community Fire Station, Saturday's event at the Saltcoats Outdoor Pool was also supported by the local HM Coastguard team, the Scottish Ambulance Service and KA Leisure.

(Image: Charlie Gilmour)

There were a number of different stations set up, where people could learn some important safety tips.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service flood response team were present to display their skills on managing such events.

(Image: Charlie Gilmour)

The local coastguard rescue team also offered advice and showed the various rescue techniques used by their emergency response teams.

(Image: Charlie Gilmour)

The Scottish Ambulance Service had CPR stations set up on site, offering attendees the chance to learn and try out techniques for themselves with expert help from paramedic teams.

(Image: Charlie Gilmour)

KA Leisure were there to free health checks for locals as well as setting up a number of games to keep everyone entertained.

(Image: Charlie Gilmour)

Pictures by Charlie Gilmour