PLANS have been brought to North Ayrshire Council to change the use of an historic Beith hotel and bar.

The proposals are seeking to turn the Saracen's Head Hotel, which dates back to the early 1700s, into a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO).

An HMO is a property rented out by at least three people who are not from one traditional 'household' - for example a family.

We had previously reported that the pub and hotel had been listed for sale by owner Murray Thomson who stated that he and his family wanted to start taking life a little easier after 40 years at the helm and were looking to retire.

Though this application, brought forward on behalf of Mr Thomson, would see a complete change in how the property is used.

At present, the Saracen's Head consists of three floors. The ground floor currently contains a bar with three lounge areas, a pool and function room, storage areas, toilets and a beer garden.

The first floor comprises a dining area, a kitchen, one bathroom and four bedrooms. The second floor provides a further two bedrooms, a lounge area and another bathroom.

Though the plans lodged seek to change this current layout for the Saracen's Head to allow the creation of a HMO containing 10 bedrooms.

The current ground floor layout.The current ground floor layout. (Image: Street View/NAC Planning)

In a change from the current ground floor layout, the function and pool area would be changed into a lounge room.

One current storage area, as well as what is currently the female toilets, would be converted into bedrooms.

Another, smaller, storage area would be transformed into a bathroom and what is the male toilets at present would become a laundry room. The existing accessible toilet would remain in its current form.

The proposed changes to the ground floor.The proposed changes to the ground floor. (Image: Street View/NAC Planning)

One lounge area would remain as is though the current bar and lounge section would be converted into a kitchen and dining room.

The first floor would also see wholesale changes with plans seeking to make a number of adjustments.

The current layout of the upper floors.The current layout of the upper floors. (Image: Street View/NAC Planning)

If approved, this floor would comprise five bedrooms and three separate bathrooms only.

Only a handful of changes are proposed on the second floor which would include three bedrooms and one bathroom.

The proposed layout of the upper floors.The proposed layout of the upper floors. (Image: Street View/NAC Planning)

The application was brought to North Ayrshire Council earlier this month and is currently pending consideration.

Proposals can be viewed in full via the council's online planning portal searching for reference 24/00602/PP.