PLANS for a massive holiday park development in Ardrossan have been brought back to the table.

However, proposals for the 'Ardrossan Eco Village Park' have been scaled back significantly from those brought forward on earlier occasions.

An application for the tourism and leisure development were first brought to North Ayrshire Council in March 2022 - with plans 228 'chalets' within.

Though the plans were cast into doubt only days later when a dispute emerged over the ownership of a small parcel of land included within the proposed 27-acre site of the former Montfode oil storage depot just off the A78 between Ardrossan and West Kilbride.

The plans were then withdrawn only months later after the company behind the development, Bothwell Land and Development Ltd, were informed more consultation was required additional land owners required notification.

However, a revised application was brought back to the council in October 2023 - though this again would later be withdrawn from consideration in March this year.

An Environment Impact Assessment Screening was then sought for the site before this latest application was tabled this week - which looks to include all of the information required by the planning authority.

Plans have now been scaled back by over a quarter, with 160 chalets now proposed for the holiday park, rather than the initial 228.

The proposed site plan.The proposed site plan. (Image: IDP Group)

The applicants state this decision was made "following public consultations and comments from planning", though there are still grand plans in place for the seaside site.

Within the wider holidays village, proposals include creating a bowling green with pavilion, mini golf, pony trek, and pond within the former industrial site.

There would also be a viewing deck created, making use of the vantage point and views across the Firth of Clyde over to the Isle of Arran.

Pedestrian access links would also be created as well as a visitors office and central main building for the development.

Within this building would be first floor containing a bar and restaurant with open terrace, a swimming pool and associated changing areas, a mini bowling section and a soft play area.

The proposed chalet design.The proposed chalet design. (Image: IDP Group)

The second floor of the main building would comprise a gymnasium and beauty treatment area.

While each of the 160 holiday chalets would differ from one another, each would consist of two bedrooms, a bathroom, a lounge area and elevated terrace with space for a hot tub, barbecue and outdoor seating. Parking spaces would also be provided.

In terms of accessing the site, it is proposed that a filter lane is added on the A78 to offer better access to the road leading to the site.

Where the proposed filter lane would be situated.Where the proposed filter lane would be situated. (Image: Street View)

Passing places would also be required on the access road, which is a single-track road at present, as well as improvements being made to the railway underpass along this route.

The plans also discuss improvements to the pedestrian footpath network "to improve safety and connectivity for all".

Also included within proposals are documents proving permission for proposed works on the access road from the land owners.

The application also proposes significant landscaping which will soften the built form of the holiday homes and blend with the surrounding open green environment.

Supporting documents to the application added: "The proposed tourism development lies within an attractive, coastal location.

"This site is considered to present a rare opportunity for this type of development in a location served well by existing road infrastructure and public transport providing access to an existing town centre."

Plans are currently pending consideration and can be viewed in full via the council's online planning portal, searching for reference 24/00553/PPM.