A KILWINNING teen says she is "on cloud nine" after being named the UK's top travel apprentice.

Keira Muir claimed the accolade, which was handed out by the Institute of Travel and Tourism (ITT) last month.

The 19-year-old works as an apprentice with Dalry-based company We Travel To, a role she has thrived in since joining the company after she left school.

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Keira admits that when she left St Matthew's Academy in June 2022 she was "unsure where her path was heading" - until the opportunity with the Garnock Valley business arose.

She said: "Whilst on holiday in Italy on my way to Pisa my mum had sent me a post advising that We Travel To were looking to hire.

"It stated it didn't matter if this was your first or last job but they were looking for someone who was confident on speaking with new people, able to learn in a fast-paced environment.

"Travel always been something I am passionate about and I felt that this was the perfect role for me. I sent over my CV and was then invited for an interview.

"I was advised it would be an apprentice role which I was more than happy with as this meant I would have another qualification at the end of it. Which adds another string to my bow."

Keira, who works in the shop alongside completing college studies, was completely unaware of her award nomination until recently - having been put forward for the gong by her college. assessor Scott Wood.

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It meant that she only heard about the incredible recognition when she was named as the award winner.

She commented: "It was a complete surprise. Not in a million years did I think I would achieve something so fantastic.

"I was phoned and asked to come into the shop on my day off. I thought to myself what could they want me in for as my manager told me it was important. Even though she said not to worry, I still did.

"Hearing that I had won the award was one of the most amazing feelings, I was on cloud nine. It took me completely by surprise, knowing that my hard work and determination had paid off was a feeling I won't forget.

"I have dyslexia so it is not always easy as I have to work in a certain way that is right for me, however it has all paid off!

"I was unable to tell anyone I was the winner until the night of the event and found it hard to not tell everyone as I was extremely proud of myself."

And the event was one worth waiting for, as Keira received her award alongside other industry professionals during a special ceremony held at the House of Commons in London.

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She continued: "This was such a surreal experience, to be invited down and receive such a prestigious award meant so much to me.

"Not everyone can say they have been invited to the House of Commons to receive an award. The atmosphere was great, you could tell everyone was truly having a fantastic time. The views were beautiful.

"The event was fabulous and a great chance to meet new people within the travel industry. I was excited to hear what the other award categories were and just how many people were going to be there.

"Lots of students had attended universities, whereas I completed a college course whilst attending work on a day to day basis."

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Being able to share her triumph back at her workplace in Dalry was just as special for Keira.

She added: "My colleagues could not be happier nor prouder for me. They have been very supportive and helpful on this journey.

"As a local travel agency we get to connect with our clients, meaning when I was able to announce I had won the award, our fantastic clients were congratulating myself and the shop.

"Not only does this award speak for my work but it shows how well we work as a team. With my colleagues being able to teach me, watch me grow and learn in the shop is something special for us.

"I would like to thank my work colleagues, my manager Gillian Ashwood, Scott Wood and Catriona Goldie - who are my college assessors - for all of the support, help and guidance throughout my apprenticeship.

"I would also like to thank ITT for allowing me to collect my amazing award.

"I feel that winning this award truly does show that anyone can achieve what they want in life no matter what, as long as you put the work in."