KEEPING yourself and others safe online is among the topics on offer at the new season of adult education classes in West Kilbride.

Enrolment day is Tuesday, August 20 at West Kilbride Community Centre. There are three sessions: 9.30-11.30am, 2-3.30pm and 7-8pm.

If you cannot attend in person you can make a postal enrolment.

Full details of how to enrol are on the back of the syllabus, which is available at West Kilbride Community Centre, D&B Gallery, The POD, libraries, the doctor's surgery, the Barony, the church and the golf club.

You can also visit for instructions on enrolling and to view the syllabus.

There are some new classes this term including self defence for the digital world, hatha yoga with chair, reiki, play reading, Introduction to English Literature and French.

Those are in addition to the range of familiar topics set to return this time around, including art and craft, yoga and pilates, Spanish, easy ways to reduce stress, creative writing, English literature, American history, astronomy, bridge, ukulele, singing and ballroom dancing.

These classes are for learning, enjoyment and socialising.