Kilbirnie parents are furious after being told the long-delayed new Moorpark Primary School won't be opening in time for the new term.

They have received letters from North Ayrshire Council giving them just 13 days' notice that the new school opening has been delayed again.

Staff packed up the old Moorpark Primary building at the end of term, but on August 6, parents received letters announcing the new school session would be beginning in the old premises.

One mum told the Herald: "I want to be sure there's a safe environment for my child, but there's been a lack of information from the council. Parents are furious."

Work started on the new Moorpark Primary way back in September 2021 and the final brick was laid in April 2023, when council officials said it would open in September that year.

But in September the local authority said it was "unable to accept handover of the building from the contractor due to a number of outstanding defects".

Now NAC has confirmed that work on the £10.85 million primary school building has been hit by yet more delays.

A council spokesperson said today: "Unfortunately, there are some construction issues that have still to be completed to get the building ready for handover.

"It means that the existing school will continue to be used until the new school is completed.

"Please note that pupils will now be required to attend from August 20, in line with other NAC schools.

“Like parents and pupils, we are deeply disappointed by this news.

“Parents should be reassured that we are working to ensure that the new school will provide a safe and welcoming environment for teaching and learning and reflect the quality of accommodation that our young people and staff deserve.

“We will provide further updates as soon as possible.”

When complete, the new Moorpark Primary, which sits adjacent to the existing school, will have 12 primary classes and a 24-place early years provision.

MoorparkMoorpark (Image: NAC)

One mum said the news was a "huge disappointment" for the pupils and the parents.

She said: "Giving us just 13 days' notice is shocking. My son is devastated.

"It is such a disappointment for everyone and I know the teachers feel exactly the same.

"We have nothing against the head teacher, or the staff, but North Ayrshire Council need to tell us exactly what's going on.

"The old school was emptied before the summer holidays, and because of that, it is not fit for purpose. The whole area is a building site.

"I want to be sure there's a safe environment for my child, but there's been a lack of information from the council. Parents are furious."

The mum went on: "The lead up to closing in June was horrendous. Huge delays in and out the car park, large lorries next to small narrow pavements where children were walking to and from school.

"Part of the old playground is cordoned off now because there's now a dangerous tree on the site.

"Huge questions need to be asked on the logistics of getting near 200 children back into a school within 13 days.

"It is unrealistic to think all learning resources will be in place come 13 days time."

She added: "When we were told the school would open on the Thursday, rather than Tuesday, when all the other schools return, families made arrangements.

"Now there's uproar from parents at the school, whose kids said goodbye to the old Moorpark at the end of term.

"There's also the upset and distress this will cause children with additional needs to return to a place they believed was no longer their place of learning.

"I know staff will be as disappointed with this outcome, as are all the families it's affecting.

"There's a lack of information. We all need full details from North Ayrshire Council that these concerns are being addressed."