National sight loss charity RNIB Scotland is holding free drop-in events across North Ayrshire this month.

It will allow people to learn about the services available for blind and partially sighted people and meet others experiencing sight loss.

RNIB Scotland’s information events are being held in:

  • Arran: Ormidale Sports Pavillion, Brodick, Isle of Arran - Thursday, August 15, 10.30am - 2pm.
  • Largs: Clark Memorial Church Hall, Bath St, Largs - Wednesday, August 21, 10am - 1pm.
  • Saltcoats: Countess Suite, Saltcoats Town Hall - Tuesday, August 27, 10am – 1pm.

RNIB Scotland Community Connection Coordinator Conor Joseph said: "We’re looking forward to meeting blind and partially sighted people across North Ayrshire and to provide more information about support in their area.

“Everyone is welcome to come to these events, whether you’ve engaged with services before, you are new to sight loss and seeking support, or perhaps you’re a family member or friend.

"We’d like to ensure every person with sight loss in Scotland has access to the support they need.”