The opening of Ardrossan's new South Beach Community Hub has been delayed yet again.

The hub, constructed on the site of the former toilet block on South Beach, was originally supposed to have been completed in March this year, well ahead of the busy holiday season.

But Ardrossan Community Development Trust (ACDT), who are behind the plan for the community café and hub along with new toilet facilities on the prom, say they were hit by a string of problems with contractors and public services.

The group then said they hoped the official handover and opening would take place on July 26. After more issues, the date was put back to this Friday, August 9.

Now their hopes have been dashed again - and ACDT chairman Scott Mould has called an urgent meeting of the architects, project managers and contractors to sort out the problems and demand a new date for the official opening.

He told the Herald: "The journey started in in December when the toilets were demolished. It was supposed to be finished in March. 

"We, as a board of Trustees, had to delay matters due to a budget issue regarding external roller blinds. We realised that could cause a problem as seagulls could perch on them which is not ideal for a cafe.

"We arranged for shutters to be fitted internally to get round that which delayed matters by 12 weeks. We also had to wait for a formal address to be issued by Royal Mail to allow us to get the power switched on."

Mr Mould added: "We really hoped the hub would be formally handed over this week, but those hopes have now been dashed. I've now called for a meeting with everyone involved to determine what has caused this latest delay and to get a new date set for the opening.

"As soon as that happens, well let everyone know. This will be a fantastic facility for Ardrossan and we can only apologise for the delay."

The contractors have been approached for comment.