A new vegetable-growing project is blossoming in West Kilbride thanks to the Rotary Club of Hunterston which will produce food for residents.

Compost purchased through funds provided by the Rotary's community award scheme is boosting vegetable production at  Headrigg Gardens in West Kilbride.

It has benefited from an award of £150 towards improving the growing potential of six new vegetable boxes in the gardens to the rear of the complex.

Kay Hall, Chair of Age Well West Kilbride, which provides support and a range of services for older people in the community said: “The support we have received from the Rotary Club of Hunterston provided crucial funding for the purchase of a huge amount of compost. This has enabled us to develop this new project of growing vegetables.”

With its 20 apartments, Headrigg Gardens residents can also enjoy outdoor facilities that include a large garden area incorporating flower beds, hedgerows and now six thriving planter boxes where a range of vegetables will now be grown.

The town’s Civic Society and Environmental Group also recently provided seating and plants within the garden areas.

By receiving these funds for vegetable growing, residents will be able to enjoy the food harvest from Headrigg’s six planters.

Nancy Porter, who is an active resident in the complex said: “Eventually we will be able to provide small parcels containing a variety of our produce for all the residents in our building".

Jim Jackson, Hunterston Rotary Club’s community convener commented: “We are delighted that our award has helped yet another group in need of financial assistance and we would encourage other community organisations to apply for our support.”

The  Rotary's community awards Scheme now allocates £200 every two months to benefit clubs, organisations or individuals working with children, teenagers, the elderly, vulnerable or disabled people in Ardrossan, Saltcoats, Stevenston, West Kilbride, Fairlie or Largs.

Application forms together with the rules are also available on the Hunterston Rotary Club’s website: www.hunterstonrotary.org.uk and also from Community Convener Jim Jackson email:jim.jjwk@talktalk.net