A Kilwinning woman is one of the first people who will represent Scotland in the Paddleboarding World Championships. 

Alison Rennie has qualified to represent her country as part of the first Scottish stand up paddling (SUP) team to compete at the ISA World SUP Championships in Denmark.

She will compete in two events, the five-kilometre ‘technical race’ and the 18-kilometre distance race.

However, the 54-year-old was only inspired to start the sport with her partner Allistair on a complete whim over a decade ago.

Alison was only inspired to start the sport with her partner Allistair Alison was only inspired to start the sport with her partner Allistair (Image: Newsquest)

She said: "My partner used to windsurf and we came up to Troon for a competition called Windfest. And could you believe it but there there was no wind, so he went out to do a paddleboard race which he enjoyed.

"We thought this is something we can do together, so we bought a couple of boards. We would just enter things together and figure out the logistics afterwards.

"We entered the Murray River Marathon in Australia, but decided to go it on a tandem board which we bought two weeks before. It shows how much preparation I like to give myself when it comes to these races."

The 54-year-old is prepared to give herself a challenge as she is also training for the 11 cities double race in Holland which takes place a week before the event.

Alison is not just taking on one race, but two within a weekAlison is not just taking on one race, but two within the same month (Image: Newsquest)

"It is an ancient race that is based on an ice-skating route and only a handful of people have done the double race," Alison added.

"It is a 220km race over five days, but there is a non-stop version as well. This one is where you set off from Leeuwarden and do the whole course in one go, have a couple of days rest and then compete in the five day race and that is how it makes up the double.

"We are heading out to Holland to compete in the double race, then we will have to drive overnight to Copenhagen, so we can register for the world championship on Monday.

"I am entered into two different disciplines - technical and the distance - in the championships. I am still shocked that I am even doing this because I didn't even think I was good enough to qualify.

"You go to these events and it is always a lovely atmosphere. I have never known a sport where you can eat dinner and talk with the top athletes.

"Paddleboarding has really taken off since lockdown and it is so inclusive."

has qualified to represent her country as part of the first Scottish stand up paddling (SUP) teamhas qualified to represent her country as part of the first Scottish stand up paddling (SUP) team (Image: Newsquest)

Training with her local paddle boarding club Loch SUP, she will be representing the nation alongside Angela Kerr who trains at the same club, based in Lochwinnoch, Jen Armstrong, Glen Sloss, Jonathan Sherwin and Dean Dunbar. 

Alison said: "It is amazing that we have three local women who have qualified as part of the team of six.

"This journey has been a complete rollercoaster. It only sinks in what you have achieved and what you have to go on to do.

"Scotland is going to be a very small nation in the competition and we will be competing against all the big names is crazy. But just be there to experience it all and hopefully inspire the next team that will go will make it worth it."

However, the team have to fully fund their trip, flights, kit and accommodation so are appealing to the public for help.

The athlete added: "Every little bit helps and we would appreciate every penny that someone is able to give".

For more information and to donate to their GoFundMe fundraiser search Team Scotland to ISA Worlds.