THERE were celebrations in Ardrossan on Friday as a nursing home resident celebrated turning 100.

Marion Lowe was surrounded by family and friends at Abbotsford as she reached the landmark birthday on August 16.

She first moved into Abbotsford in February 2022, and it is fair to say she has had an extraordinary journey in her 100 years so far.

Marion was born in the Belgian village of Henri-Chapelle in 1924, and spent most of her childhood and teenage years in Belgium.

During the war, she was part of the resistance - and was held as a political prisoner by the Gestapo.

Her war time experience is something which was turned into a book as she celebrated her 85th birthday in 2009 - with funds raised from its sale at the time gifted to Amnesty International.

Having met an English soldier, Marion married him in Antwerp around the end of the war.

The couple would later move and lived together in the Midlands, where Marion worked as a French teacher for a period of time.

Her husband passed in 2005, and she would begin her move north around the time of the Covid pandemic - living between the homes of her daughter in Seamill and one of her sons in Derbyshire.

In the present day, Marion was all smiles as she celebrated her birthday at Abbotsford.

As well as a fun filled birthday party, she enjoyed a visit from family, and Deputy Lieutenant for Ayrshire and Arran Matt Smith.

DL Smith also had the honour of handing over Marion's birthday card from King Charles III and Queen Camilla - which we were assured was one of many birthday cards she received!

(Image: Staff)

He also heard fondly about the various war medals that Marion was wearing on the day - something she does not often do.

When asked about Marion's 'secret' for reaching 100, we were also informed that she continued Pilates classes until she was 96 - "in the advanced class".

And having been asked the same question at this time last year, as she celebrated her 99th birthday with a trip to Glasgow, "cake" was another reason given.

The birthday celebrations aren't quite over yet either, with more celebrations planned for Marion later this month.

Over 50 family and friends are due to attend for a celebration with many travelling from far afield.

This includes her four children - three sons - two of which live in Luxembourg, another in Edinburgh - and her daughter from Seamill.

There will also be many of her 11 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren out to enjoy the occasion.

Many happy returns Marion!