REPORTS of rape in North Ayrshire have more than doubled over the past year.

Figures were revealed with regards to the crime at a meeting of North Ayrshire Council police and fire and rescue committee earlier this week.

Local officers provided a number of statistics in relation to reported crime for the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year - from the beginning of April to the end of June.

During this time, there were a total of 20 reported rape crimes in North Ayrshire. For the same reporting period last year, this figure was nine.

The total is also above the five-year average which is currently 11 reports during the quarter.

However, Chief Superintendent Raymond Higgins - who is responsible for all policing in the Ayrshire division - revealed that nine of these reports were in relation to historic offences.

He said: “It is positive in relation to the confidence that victims now have to come forward and report historical offences.

“Assurance wise, the policy is in Ayrshire that all of these enquiries have a senior investigation officer appointed.

“We have been greatly supported by our sexual offences liaison officers, focussing on a victim centred approach.”

Committee member Councillor Donald L Reid also highlighted that it was positive that women who are victims of these crimes now have the confidence to come forward.

He said: “Almost 50 per cent of rapes were historical and that certainly is good news as it shows women are prepared to come forward and have more confidence that the rape will be treated seriously, properly and professionally.”

And Chief Inspector Fraser Normansell, local area commander for North Ayrshire, noted that it had been a collective effort which had delivered these results.

He added: “It’s a good point, I think that’s a real bit of work in terms of public trust and confidence.

“It’s the confidence that we are working along with partners to provide.

“It’s on a very individual basis, it only needs to go wrong once and it gets undermined.

“It’s about a collective, not just the police, Rape Crisis, Assist or Women’s Aid. By working together with the best interests of the victim at heart that’s when we’re building on that confidence.”