A REMARKABLE 91-year-old Dalry woman was presented with her British Empire Medal by Ayrshire's Lord Lieutenant at the weekend.

Jean Rodger has run the St Margaret's Parish Church 'good as new' shop for 35 years - helping to raise more than £1 million in the process.

The shop keeps its prices low to help those in the community who are struggling, and now welcomes people from all over Ayrshire who have heard about its extensive collection of clothes, household items and books.

Jean was awarded the British Empire Medal in the King's Birthday honours list for her amazing work over the years.

And Ayrshire's Lord Lieutenant Iona McDonald presented the award to Jean at a special service at St Margaret's on Sunday, with her family and friends among those in attendance.

The Lord Lieutenant told the congregation: "Jean willingly sacrifices her own time to ensure the success of the shop, following her retirement from teaching German.

"It is incredible the amount that has been raised. And Jean has no intention of slowing down. She is determined that the success of the shop will continue.

"It is with great pleasure that I, as the Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Arran, representing His Majesty The King, that I present Jean with both the medal and a certificate."

The Lord Lieutenant then joked: "Your name is all around the side of the medal so you don't sell it in the shop..."

Jean's son Bruce said: "It was a very, very proud day for us all.

"My mum doesn't like fuss. When she got the award she was had the chance to collect it at Holyrood or Dumfries House, but she said, 'can you not just put it in the post?'"

Jean herself told the congregation: "I would like to thank the Lord Lieutenant for coming to the church this morning to present me with this lovely award.

"I would also like to thank all the people who heave helped me fundraise over the years, my husband, family and friends, and other members of the church and all the people connected with the shop. My sincere thanks to each and every one."

The service was livestreamed on the church's Facebook page, and can be watched back at https://tinyurl.com/stmargaretsservice25august.