This week's drop-in event for North Ayrshire armed forces veterans was a big success.

Organised by the Saltcoats, Ardrossan and Stevenston branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland and Saltcoats Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club, the aim was to offer information and support to veterans, their families and carers all from one place.

And veterans from across North Ayrshire found the help they needed at the Argyle Community Centre event on Wednesday, August 28.

Legion branch president Paul Coffey said: "We would like to thank the charities and organisations for either sending representatives or information.

"We had information from Veterans Gateway, Homeless Veterans Project and Erskine Hospital, with representatives from Carers Gateway, Armed Forces Gambling Support Network, North Ayrshire Housing, SSAFA, Veterans First Point, DWP, Unforgotten Forces, RAF Benevolent Fund, Legion Scotland - Veterans Community Support, Opportunities in Retirement, NAC Ground Force and Sight Scotland. 

"It was a busy morning with lots of referrals and follow-ups. It was also a networking opportunity between the groups with shared awareness of what each had to offer."

(Image: RBLS SAS branch)

Mr Coffey added: "All participants indicated the morning was a success and want a repeat in a few months with a bigger location.

"Once word had got out it became clear that there are numerous providers of diverse help for veterans, it just needs pulling together in one location.

"Thanks goes to Diane at the Argyle Centre for her help."

Legion members should note that the next Branch meeting is on September 12 in Ardrossan Indoor Bowling Club at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

Mr Coffey said: "We will be starting discussions on organising this year's Remembrance Sunday Services. There will be a 'youth' influence this year. 

"Can I ask individuals, groups and organisations to get in touch asp if you want wreaths ordered?

"Also, at the meeting we will be welcoming new members and finalising both the boxing night and the fishing trip.

"Waterproof jackets are on order, and we need to decide on trips away and functions, also what we as a branch can do to alleviate any concerns for the ever-nearing winter months. Don't forget your monthly raffle tickets."