A KILWINNING man has been jailed after he paraded around Irvine town centre holding a knife and shouting "someone's getting murdered tonight".

Andrew Haggerty pleaded guilty to a pair of charges in relation to the matter - as well as a further two charges which arose from another incident - when he appeared at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court last week.

The 36-year admitted to possessing the knife, and behaving in a threatening or abusive manner during the first incident, which took place on High Street and Bank Street in Irvine last year.

On the night of March 25, witnesses to the incident had been working in the Crown Inn Bar in Irvine, procurator fiscal depute Jemma McKechnie told the court.

At around 11pm, they became aware of a fight occurring on the street outside the premises.

Haggarty was described as "being part of this" and was found in the area having been knocked to the ground, seemingly unconscious.

Police were called, and of all those seemingly involved only Haggarty - whose address was listed as Pollock Crescent in Kilwinning - remained at the scene.

The 36-year-old was then fined by police for his involvement, before being taken to Crosshouse Hospital for treatment. He then returned to his home address which was in Irvine at that time.

However, at around 2am - on what was then the early hours of March 26 - a witness who had been working at the Crown Inn saw Haggarty back in the town, within a takeaway premises.

Andrew Haggarty.Andrew Haggarty. (Image: Sourced)

He was confronted by the Kilwinning man, who said "see you you wee d***" before taking a knife from his bag and brandishing it towards him.

The witness then ran back to the bar in a panic and gained entry to the premises thanks to other staff who were still there.

Other people around the town also saw Haggarty as he paraded around the town centre streets.

Two off-duty police officers, waiting at a nearby taxi rank, also saw the 36-year-old "showing off" the knife as he strode purposefully towards them. CCTV from this time was shown to the court.

Haggerty was saying: “I have just been jumped by a group of boys in the Crown. Tell them it’s Andrew Haggarty. Someone’s getting murdered tonight.”

The Kilwinning man continued beyond the witnesses and in direction of the Crown Inn. He attended at the front of the pub where he started banging the windows.

Staff still inside the bar could see he was angry, and he shouted once more “you are all f***ing dead”.

Police were then contacted by the bar staff, who waited for officers to arrive. Before they did, other on duty officers in the area were alerted by members of the public that Haggerty was walking around with a knife - and headed to the Crown.

(Image: Admiral Taverns)

Haggerty was not present at this time, though he was later traced back at his home address where he was arrested and taken to Saltcoats police station.

A further incident took place on April 27 last year, after Haggerty had been granted bail to his then home address in Irvine.

At Kilmarnock Sheriff Court last week, the 36-year-old pleaded guilty to charges of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner, and a breach of bail, in relation to this matter.

On the day in question, Haggerty had returned home having been out consuming alcohol.

His partner was also present at the address, though went upstairs while he continued drinking downstairs.

Later that evening, the woman heard Haggerty shouting, so went downstairs to see what was wrong. She then realised he was shouting towards her and the Kilwinning man grabbed her by the housecoat she was wearing.

The woman pulled away and ran out the property, which caused her clothing to rip.

She made her way to a neighbouring home for safety, telling the occupier that her partner was "kicking off"

Haggarty then appeared at this property shouting and swearing and asking to see his partner. Police were contacted as he wouldn’t leave the property. Officers arrived and Haggarty was at the front door banging.

He was then placed in a cell van and taken to Saltcoats police office where he was later cautioned and charged, making the reply: “I don’t know why I am here".

The offence was also considered a breach of his bail, as Haggerty had been ordered to remain within his then home address between 7pm-7am each day following a previous court appearance.

Defending, Haggerty's solicitor explained that on the night he was found with the knife, he had previously been "set upon" by a group of people.

(Image: Street View)

They commented that he had been seen in the Crown Inn prior with cash, and this was stolen from him during the attack. The perpetrators of that were never found.

The lawyer added: "He was taken to hospital to be treated then taken home. He doesn’t have a great recollection of the evening, he was taken aback when he saw the CCTV.

"He was taken home then went back into town with the knife. He’s gone back in and been arrested.

"He had a very severe beating and injuries from the assault but there is no explanation for his behaviour after that - parading around, shouting and bawling, and identifying himself.

"Although this would have been a frightening experience, he didn’t assault anyone. They were empty threats."

Before Sheriff Murdoch Mactaggart passed sentence, the solicitor asked for background reports to be called for, and for Haggerty to be bailed while these were prepared.

They also asked that the early timing of his guilty pleas be taken into account, and although he has previous convictions, this was his first offence relating to knife possession.

Sheriff Mactaggart commented: “Whatever your reason was for it, running about with a knife threatening to murder people, trying to get into a pub with that knife, is extremely serious.

“I consider the only appropriate disposal, given your record, is a custodial one.”

Haggerty was then sentenced to serve a total of 43 weeks in prison from the date of his court appearance on August 27.