Plans to build two new homes on the edge of the A78 trunk road have been knocked back for a second time by councillors.

James Grant had his application for two houses rejected by the Planning Committee earlier this year. But he lodged an appeal which was considered by the Local Review Body last Wednesday.

The site is just outside West Kilbride on the A78 Ardrossan to Largs road, at the turn off to Thirdpart Holdings. The land for the two properties is owned by the applicant. 

The cottage-style houses would have long dining rooms and a modern extension at the back but more traditional at the front. Bot properties would have had their own gardens.

Planners said the application was contrary to the countryside section of the Local Development Plan and that the site was not considered to be a gap one.

The development was “inappropriate” in a countryside location and detract from the area. 

Road safety concerns were aired by Transport Scotland, who said vehicles entering the site would come into conflict with vehicles turning from A78 on to Thirdpart Holdings.

Some concerns in the application also related to loss of a view, loss of diversity and disturbance to wildlife.

Cllr Cameron Inglis put forward a proposal to grant the application, which was seconded by Cllr Stewart Ferguson.

But committee chair Robert Foster put forward a motion to refuse it which was backed by Cllr Davina McTiernan. Following the split vote, the decision to refuse went through as Cllr Foster had the casting vote.

The chair said he hoped the applicant would go back to the Planning Department to get a “positive solution” to their plans.