NEW Scots settled across North Ayrshire enjoyed a wide range of fun activities and children’s games at Eglinton Park last month.

North Ayrshire Council organised a fun day for Ukrainian families during the school holidays at the local attraction and repeated it with more fun for Syrian families a week later.

And, unusually for this summer, they enjoyed great weather, with the sun shining on both days.

Refugee Support Team colleagues helped to make the events possible, along with housing officers, bi-lingual liaison officers, a family well-being support worker, project co-ordinators, NHS health team manager and staff nurses.

(Image: Stewart McConnell)

Tesco (Irvine) provided free fruit and water at both events, while KA Leisure provided activities and equipment.

Locality worker Sarah Crookston attended and helped facilitate activities. Police Scotland officers attended and their police vehicle was a big hit.

Of the 20 Ukrainian families who attended, 12 families chose to provide feedback. This included “nice walks for adults and games for children”.

A number said they wished this could be done regularly and would like a bigger place to play but were delighted there were lots of activities for children.

Of the 16 Syrian families who attended, 10 provided feedback and said people had treated them well and especially enjoyed archery and the opportunity to get together with compatriots.