THE Ayrshire Baby Loss Support Group are holding a memory walk next month.

Organised as part of Baby Loss Awareness Week 2024, the event will be held in Ayr on  Sunday, October 13.

A spokesperson for the group said: "We invite you to 'Walk With Us' in memory of all babies gone too soon. 

"The walk will take place along Ayr Esplanade with committee members, supporters, friends and family joining us to raise awareness of baby loss.

"Meet for registration from 1.45pm and the walk begins at 2pm.

"The walk can be as long or short as you are comfortable with. 'The Lang Mile' is marked out along Ayr esplanade, so you can keep track of how far you 'Walk With Us'.

"After you have completed your chosen distance, you are invited to St Nicholas Church Hall in Prestwick where refreshments of tea, coffee, juice and cakes will be provided from 2.45pm until 4pm."

Ayrshire Baby Loss Support Group is a voluntary not-for-profit group who offer support to anyone who has lost a baby at any stage. 

For more, visit