A THUG who lashed out near end of life patients at Crosshouse Hospital before urinating on police officers has been jailed.

Ciaran Fisher pleaded guilty at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court last week to a catalogue of offences relating to separate incidents which took place in 2023.

The 25-year-old went on a spree of offending throughout the year, with the most recent offence taking place on November 24.

Court papers stated that Fisher - whose last known address was in Kilwinning - assaulted a man by punching him on the head, before demanding money from the victim on Dickson Drive in Irvine.

Fisher also threatened the male, stating he had a knife and that he would assault him with a corrosive substance - namely ammonia.

He then accompanied the man to another street nearby and requested he contacted others to retrieve money to meet his previous demands.

Fisher continued to repeatedly threaten the male who he robbed of a mobile phone and house keys.

He has been remanded in HMP Kilmarnock since he first appeared in court on the matter.

The former Kilwinning man had also made admissions in relation to further incidents earlier last year - including unsavoury offences at Crosshouse Hospital in Kilmarnock.

Ciaran Fisher.Ciaran Fisher. (Image: Sourced)

On August 18, 2023, he assaulted two police officers by spitting at them and attempting to kick them.

Whilst in the hospital in the proximity of end of life patients, he repeatedly shouted and swore - despite being told repeatedly to desist - and uttered threats of violence and homophobic comments.

While being carried out of the hospital to a police vehicle, Fisher urinated and caused the bodily fluid to 'contaminate uniforms of police constables'.

His offending behaviour had - in fact - begun earlier in the year, on March 4, at a property in Irvine, where he turned up uninvited, repeatedly kicked a door, demanded access, shouted and swore.

Similar behaviour followed on April 9 last year at a different address in Irvine, with Fisher acting aggressively, throwing around household items, shouting, swearing and refusing to desist when requested to do so by police.

Fisher pleaded guilty to a further charge of committing the same offence the following day, at the same household.

On this occasion, he attended and refused to leave the property when requested to do so, repeatedly struck doors there with his hand, acted in an aggressive manner, demanded entry, uttered threats to harm himself, shouted and swore.

Defence solicitor Alex Muir asked Sheriff Colin Bissett to consider placing Fisher on a community-based order - rather than returning him to prison.

(Image: Staff)

Mr Muir said the 25-year-old "had quite a difficult background" and that despite this, "he got himself to the age of 21 before he came before the court".

He added that although Fisher was currently unemployed, he had held a number of roles including one which appeared to be particularly "solid" employment.

However, the lawyer said Fisher lost his job as a result of the Covid pandemic and "that coincided with a turn downhill".

Mr Muir added: "He regularly involved himself in taking drugs and alcohol to excess which culminated in this serious nature.

"He has been in custody for just short of 10 months. During that period of time he has taken advantage of what services are available to him there.

"He has kept himself away from bad influences while in custody as well as illicit substances. Though that has to be balanced up with the gravity of these offences.

"These are serious matters but since he has come into custody he has tried to address the circumstances that would get him back into offending."

Sentencing, Sheriff Colin Bissett said there was no alternative to custody.

Fisher was jailed for 20 months, backdated to his initial remand date of November 27 last year.