A TOP tennis coach is set to host a free open day for youngsters in Saltcoats.

Allwyn Crawford, from charity Promoting Inclusion Through Sport, will be holding the event at the Glebe tennis courts on Sunday, September 22.

The event is open to children aged from 4-12 with two separate sessions to take place.

The first is to be held for those aged four and five between the 1-1.45pm, before a second session from 2-3pm for youngsters aged 6-12.

All equipment will be provided on the day and those looking to take part are welcome to "just turn up" - or email Allwyn to register at allwyn@promotinginclusion.co.uk.

It is sure to be a superb day at the courts opposite Saltcoats Library, with Three Towns tennis coach Allwyn highly acclaimed for her work in the community.

Having dedicated her mind, time, effort and energy to this cause over the last 12 years Allwyn has been recognised for her efforts with award recognition on a number of occasions.

Having previously lived elsewhere, Allwyn brought her successful initiative to North Ayrshire in recent years having moved to the area.

As well as free lessons at the Glebe courts, she has also held weekly ASN events and has assisted coaching sessions at local schools.

More information on her work can be found online at facebook.com/promotinginclusionthroughsport.