THE team from 'the oldest pub in Saltcoats' say they are determined to keep the business alive - despite their latest licensing setback.

The Windy Ha saw their licensing application refused at a meeting of North Ayrshire Council's licensing board earlier this month.

The venue had previously been selling alcohol using 'occasional' licences, having had a decision on their full licence deferred in June - due to a site notice "not being properly displayed".

However, after this refusal the bar will no longer be allowed to make use of occasional licences.

Their application was knocked back by the board due to concerns raised by neighbours in the flats above the bar with regards to noise - including one objector with a young child.

Typically, the bar would need to wait a year before coming back with another application, though the board have waived this for The Windy Ha.

Board chair Councillor Eleanor Collier said: “ The board are not satisfied that you have dealt with the matters raised by the objectors.

“In terms of a refused licence, under the terms of the act you normally can’t apply for another year but we will waive that because if you are serious about running a professional and user-friendly business for the surrounding residents we will allow you to re-apply in the normal way before the year.

“We don’t feel that you have addressed the biggest of the licensing objectives which is preventing public nuisance. There are also concerns about protecting children and young people and securing public safety.

“Though we are refusing, we appreciate it is one of the oldest pubs in Scotland. We like to support businesses where we can, but can’t support a business who have not demonstrated that they can run a professional business according to the licensing laws and objectives.”

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And this opportunity is one which the team from the bar plan to take advantage of, as they look to take steps to make sure the oldest pub in town is here to stay.

Business operator Sean Conaghan, who came helped re-open the venue in Febuary this year, said: "After a positive discussion with the building owners last week we as a team are now working on a rebrand and rebuild of the business to suit all and help keep The Windy alive.

"Throughout the weeks we were able to open, we built up some strong relationships with a regular client base - we would love to provide them with a permanent venue to enjoy.

"We do appreciate the concerns raised by objectors, and councillors on the licensing board, and we will work with everyone as much as we can do address the points raised.

"We want to be a good neighbour, and an asset to Saltcoats town centre - we feel we have proved this in the past and are more then willing to work to ensure this moving forward."

In the meantime, The Windy Ha is temporarily closed. However, with support from building owner Lesley Bruce, it is hoped a new business model can be planned out to re-open the venue, even without a full licence.

Sean added: "We really aren’t just closing the doors and giving up we just have to find the model that works for all!

"So we will be back and better than ever we are not giving up on all the hard work.

"We have been inundated with positive comments and messages praising the work we have done over the past couple of months especially and we are not ready to throw all that away!"

The latest updates from the venue will be provided via The Windy Ha Facebook page.